Spatial and temporal dynamic analysis of rabies: A review of current methodologies

Submitted: 10 August 2022
Accepted: 14 November 2022
Published: 30 November 2022
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Rabies continues to be one of the deadliest, high risk diseases worldwide, posing a severe threat to public health. The lack of human-to-human transmission means that the spread of rabies is not significantly affected by the distribution of humans or migra- tion. Thus, the spatiotemporal dynamic of cases in both wild and domestic animals is an important issue that can result in human cases. This paper gives an overview of the methodologies for the spatial and temporal dynamic analysis of this disease. It introduces the most representative research progress of spatial aggregation, dynamic transmission, spatiotemporal distribution, epidemiologi- cal analysis and application of modelling in the study of rabies transmission in recent years. This overview should be useful for investigating the spatial and temporal dynamics of rabies, as it could help understanding the spread of cases as well as contribute to the development of better prevention and control strategies in ecology and epidemiology.



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How to Cite

Chen, S. (2022). Spatial and temporal dynamic analysis of rabies: A review of current methodologies. Geospatial Health, 17(2).

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