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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). While the manuscript is undergoing the peer review phase, the authors will not submit the manuscript to another journal without notifying the editor.
  • The submission file is a Microsoft Word (.DOCX) document file format. The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables must be embedded into the same document at the end of the text. If abbreviations are used in the text, authors are required to write full name+abbreviation in brackets [e.g. Multiple Myeloma (MM)] the first time they are used, then only abbreviations can be written (apart from titles; in this case authors have to write always the full name).
  • The manuscript is written in British English. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • Important! We fight plagiarism: please understand that your article will be checked with available tools for discovering plagiarism.
  • Authorship and Contributorship: All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship according to the ICMJE criteria. Authors must disclose whether they used artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technologies (such as Large Language Models [LLMs], chatbots, or image creators) in the creation of submitted work. Authors who use such technology must explain how they used it in both the cover letter and the submitted work, and they must guarantee that their paper, including text and images generated by the AI, is free of plagiarism. Changes in Authorship: If authors request removal or addition of an author after manuscript submission or during the peer-review process, the journal editors should receive a letter clearly explaining the reason for the change. Please note that if your manuscript is accepted you will not be able to make any changes to the authors, or order of authors.
  • Authors are kindly invited to suggest at least 3/4 potential reviewers (name, affiliation and e-mail) for their manuscript in the "Comments to the Editor" field (Step 1. Submission Process).
  • By submitting their paper to Geospatial Health, Authors: Understand and confirm that the Article Processing Charge for publication in this Journal is EUR 800 (plus VAT 4%, if applicable). Papers including a regular member of the Global Network for Geospatial Health ( as first author or corresponding author will be charged EUR 400 (+VAT 4%, if applicable). Please be informed that payments carry an administrative charge of EUR 30 (tax included). Agree to pay the amount due whether their manuscript will be accepted for publication. Further details are available here:

Author Guidelines

To submit a new paper to our journal:

  1. Register on the Journal website; we encourage you to register also as a Reviewer at the same time;
  2. Follow the Guidelines for Authors for preparation of your manuscript;
  3. Read our Editorial Policies and our Competing Interest policies.
  4. Log in;
  5. Click on the "NEW SUBMISSION" button to start the online procedure.

To submit a revised version:

  1. Log in;
  2. Click on the title of your paper;
  3. Next to the heading "REVISIONS", upload your revised paper by using the "UPLOAD FILE" button;
  4. Inform the Editors that a revised version has been uploaded.

Original Articles

Original Articles: They should be divided into an Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References. A maximum of 10 authors is permitted and additional authors should be listed in an ad hoc Appendix.


Reviews:  They should be introduced by a general summary of content in the form of an Abstract. Following a short introduction, putting the study into context and defining the aim, reviews will concentrate on the most recent developments in the field. A review should clearly describe the search strategy followed (key words, inclusion, exclusion criteria, search engines, etc.). No particular format is required; headings should be used to designate the major divisions of the paper.

vHealth Communications

How to prepare a vHealth communication

The manuscript of a vHealth communication needs to follow the instructions as provided by the journal's Guidelines for Authors, with the following exceptions and additions:


  • Abstract not exceeding 100 words (visualisation needs to be mentioned somewhere in the abstract)
  • 3-5 keywords
  • Background of the visualisation (maximum 1,400 words), introducing the topic, the methodology of the research presented), some key findings of the research and the motivation behind the vHealth communication.
  • One figure or table
  • One box summarizing the overall aim/motivation of the vHealth communication (50-100 words)
  • One box describing the software used for producing the video clip (100-150 words). The objective of this box is to encourage other researchers to produce video clips for disseminating their research findings to a wider audience
  • No more than 12 references

Video clip:

  • The video clip should be entertaining and easily understandable, yet coherent and scientifically sound
  • The video should have a clear structure/story line (e.g. introduction, methodology, visualized findings, outlook)
  • Duration of the video clip: maximum 10 minutes
  • Video clip must be in good quality (picture and sound)

An Internet link to the video clip has to be provided when submitting a vHealth communication. It is the responsibility of the authors that no copyrights are violated in the final video clip, which will be published on YouTube by the journal.

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