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Tabesh, Hamed, Department of Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad
Tabesh, Hamed, Department of Medical Informatics, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad
Tabor, Joseph A., School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Tadono, Takeo, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Ibaraki
Tadono, Takeo, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Tokyo
Tadono, Takeo, Earth Observation Research Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Tsukuba, Ibaraki
Tadono, Takeo, Earth Observation Research Centre, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Ibaraki
Tahirović, Vildana, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relation, Veterinary Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo
Takane, Marina, World Health Organization, Geneva
Takekawa, John Y., Suisun Resource Conservation District, Suisun City, CA
Takemoto, Michelle, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, University of California, La Jolla, CA
Talbot, Thomas O., Bureau of Environmental & Occupational Epidemiology, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY
Taleo, George, Ministry of Health, Vector Borne Disease Control Programme, Port Vila
Tambalo, Pier Giorgio, Local Health Unit, Caprino Veronese
Tamponi, Claudia, Inter-University Center for Research in Parasitology, Naples; Laboratory of Parasitology, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sassari, Sassari
Tamura, Kosuke, Cardiovascular Branch, Division of Intramural Research, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
Tan, Jianxia, HEOA Group, West China School of Public Health and West China Fourth Hospital, Sichuan University; Institute for Healthy Cities and West China Research Center for Rural Health Development, Sichuan University, Chengdu
Tancler Stipp, Danilo, Department of Veterinary Sciences, Center for Agricultural Sciences, Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB), Areia
Tandrapah, Anthony, Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research, Goroka and Madang
Tang, Fen-Yang, Jiangsu Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanjing
Tang, Xuefeng, West China School of Medicine and Chinese Evidence-based Medicine Center; Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Tanikawa, Takumi, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University of Science, Sapporo, Hokkaido
Tanikawa, Takumi, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University of Science, Sapporo
Tanner, Marcel, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel; University of Basel, Basel
Tanner, Marcel, Chair, Epidemiology and Medical Parasitology, University of Basel; Director, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)
Tanner, Marcel, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland; University of Basel, Basel
Tanner, Marcel, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel; University of Basel, Basel
Tanner, Marcel, Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, Swiss Tropical Institute, University of Basel, Basel
Tanner, Marcel, Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, Swiss Tropical Institute, Basel
Tantular, Bertho, Department Statistics, Universitas Padjadjaran
Tao, Bo, Xingzi Station for Schitosomiasis Prevention and Control, Xingzi
Tao, Hongbing, Department of Health Administration, School of Medicine and Health Management, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan
Tappo, Suparat , Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University, Bangkok
Tara, Ahmad, Department of Nephrology, Shahid Modarres Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran
Tara, Ahmad, Department of Nephrology, Shahid Modarres Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran
Tara, Ahmad, Department of Nephrology, Shahid Modarres Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran
Tara, Mahmood, Department of Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad
Tara, Mahmood, Department of Medical Informatics, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad
Tara, Mahmood, Department of Medical Informatics, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad
Tara, Mahmood, Rajaei Heart Institute, Tehran
Tara, Mahmoud, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad
Tarbsripair, Pairat, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen
Tateshita, Yumiko, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Tokyo
Tavares, Antônio C.Q., Department of Polices Technique, Salvador
Tavares, Cezar, Statistician, Salvador, Bahia
Tavares, Débora Santos, Department of Health Education, Federal University of Sergipe, Lagarto, Sergipe
Tavares Parente, Andressa , Graduate Nursing Program, Federal University of Pará, Complexo da Saúde - Guamá, Belém, Pará
Taylor, David, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore
Taylor, David, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore
Te, Kian Keong, Department of Population Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS), University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Selangor
Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash, Department of Community Medicine, Preventive Medicine and Public Health Research Centre, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran
Teixeira, Jorge Juarez Vieira, Department of Clinical Analysis and Biomedicine, Health Sciences Center, State University of Maringá, Maringá, Paraná
Tejero, Marilou, Municipal Health Office, Oras, Eastern Samar
Teles de Oliveira, Daniela, Laboratòrio de Biologia Molecular, Hospital Universitário, Departamento de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Bairro Sanatòrio, Aracaju, Sergipe
Tellman, Norisse, National Center for Occupational Health and Infection Control, Veterans Health Administration, Gainesville, FL
ter Schegget, Ronald, Municipal Health Service Brabant Zuidoost, Eindhoven
Terlouw, Dianne J., Department of Clinical Sciences, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK; Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme, College of Medicine, Blantyre
Tesana, Smarn, Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen
Teshome, Aklilu, Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Addis Ababa
Teshome, Aklilu, Armauer Hansen Research Institute, All-Africa Leprosy and TB Rehabilitation and Training Center, Addis Ababa
Testoni, Francesco, Laboratory of Parasitology, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sassari, Sassari
Thammasiri, Chalida, Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen
Thanapongtharm, Weerapong, Bureau of Disease Control and Veterinary Services, Department of Livestock Development, Bangkok, Thailand; Biological Control and Spatial Ecology, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels
Theall, Katherine, School of Public Health, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA
Theall, Katherine P., Louisiana State University, School of Public Health, New Orleans, LA
Theall, Katherine P., Louisiana State University, Health Sciences Center, School of Public Health, New Orleans, LA
Thiam, Sokhna, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel; University of Basel, Basel
Thiam, Sokhna, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland; University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; Health Research, Epidemiological Surveillance and Training Institute, Dakar (Senegal)
Thielke, Stephen, Puget Sound VA Medical Center, Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Centers, Seattle, WA
Thiruchelvam, Loshini, Fundamental and Applied Sciences Department, Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Bandar Seri Iskandar, Tronoh, Perak
Thiruchelvam, Loshini , Department of Physical and Mathematical Science, Faculty of Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar Campus, Perak
Thnaibat, Juhina J., Department of Environmental Studies and Planning, Greater Amman Municipality, Amman
Thomas, Stephanie M., Department of Biogeography, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth
Thomas, Valerie A., Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
Thompson, Deborah, USDA/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center, Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Thompson, Laura, Department of Geography and Planning, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina
Thomson, Madeleine C., International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Columbia University, Palisades, NY
Thomson, Madeleine C., International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), The Earth Institute at Columbia University, Palisades, New York
Thuma, Philip E., Macha Research Trust, Choma
Tian, Fan, West China School of Public Health and West China Fourth Hospital, Sichuan University; West China Research Center for Rural Health Development, Sichuan University, Chengdu
Tian-Bi, Yves-Nathan T., Unité de Formation et de Recherche Biosciences, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Abidjan
Tiduko Ueta, Marlene, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo
Tilocca, Laura, Private veterinary practitioner, Sassari
Tipayamongkholgul, Mathuros, Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, Bangkok
Tisano, Francesco, Cancer Registry of Syracuse Province, Health Unit of Syracuse Province, Syracuse
Tiwari, Alok, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah
Tiwari, Alok, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, King Abdulaziz University
Tiwari, Anuj , Department of Public Health, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam
Tiwari, Chetan, Department of Geosciences & Computer Sciences, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA; Center for Disaster Informatics and Computational Epidemiology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Tizzani, Paolo, Department of Veterinary Sciences, Universitá degli Studi di Torino, Grugliasco (TO)
Tjaden, Nils, ITC Faculty Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente
Tleulessov, Rakhimtay B., S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University, Astana
Toledo, Diana, Epidemiology Department, Barcelona Public Health Agency, Barcelona; CIBER Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), Carlos III Health Institute, Madrid
Tollman, Stephen M., MRC/Wits Rural Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit (Agincourt), School of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa; Centre for Global Health Research, Epidemiology and Global Health, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden; INDEPTH Network, Accra
Tomè, Paolo, Department of Agri-Food, Environmental and Animal Sciences, University of Udine, Udine
Tomlinson, Jennifer, The Food and Environment Research Agency, York
Tompkins, Adrian M., Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
Tong, Shi-Lu, School of Public Health and Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane
Tong, Shilu, School of Public Health and Social Work and Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Queensland
Tong, Shilu, School of Public Health and Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove

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