Implementation of geographical information systems for the study of diseases caused by vector-borne arboviruses in Southeast Asia: A review based on the publication record

Submitted: 31 January 2020
Accepted: 14 April 2020
Published: 17 June 2020
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The spread of mosquito-borne diseases in Southeast Asia has dramatically increased in the latest decades. These infections include dengue, chikungunya and Japanese Encephalitis (JE), high-burden viruses sharing overlapping disease manifestation and vector distribution. The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to monitor the dynamics of disease and vector distribution can assist in disease epidemic prediction and public health interventions, particularly in Southeast Asia where sustained high temperatures drive the epidemic spread of these mosquito-borne viruses. Due to lack of accurate data, the spatial and temporal dynamics of these mosquito-borne viral disease transmission countries are poorly understood, which has limited disease control effort. By following studies carried out on these three viruses across the region in a specific time period revealing general patterns of research activities and characteristics, this review finds the need to improve decision-support by disease mapping and management. The results presented, based on a publication search with respect to diseases due to arboviruses, specifically dengue, chikungunya and Japanese encephalitis, should improve opportunities for future studies on the implementation of GIS in the control of mosquito-borne viral diseases in Southeast Asia.



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How to Cite

Diptyanusa, A., Lazuardi, L., & Jatmiko, R. H. (2020). Implementation of geographical information systems for the study of diseases caused by vector-borne arboviruses in Southeast Asia: A review based on the publication record. Geospatial Health, 15(1).