Identification and mapping of objects targeted for surveillance and their role as risk factors for brucellosis in livestock farms in Kazakhstan

Submitted: 16 August 2024
Accepted: 3 November 2024
Published: 8 November 2024
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Objects for Targeted Surveillance (OTS) are infrastructure entities that can be considered as focal points and conduits for transmitting infectious animal diseases, necessitating ongoing epidemiological surveillance. These entities encompass slaughterhouses, meat processing plants, animal markets, burial sites, veterinary laboratories, etc. Currently, in Kazakhstan, a funded research project is underway to establish a Geographic Information System (GIS) database of OTSs and investigate their role in the emergence and dissemination of infectious livestock diseases. This initial investigation examined the correlation between brucellosis outbreaks in cattle and small ruminant farms in the southeastern region of Kazakhstan and the presence of OTSs categorized as “slaughterhouses,” “cattle markets,” and “meat processing plants. The study area (namely Qyzylorda, Turkestan, Zhambyl, Almaty, Zhetysu, Abay and East Kazakhstan oblasts), characterized by the highest livestock density in the country, covers 335 slaughterhouses (with varying levels of biosecurity), 45 livestock markets and 15 meat processing plants. Between 2020 and 2023, 338 cases of brucellosis were reported from livestock farms in this region. The findings of the regression model reveal a statistically significant (p<0.05) positive association between the incidence of brucellosis cases and the number of OTSs in the region. Conversely, meat processing plants and livestock markets did not exhibit a significant influence on the prevalence of brucellosis cases. These results corroborate the hypothesis of an elevated risk of brucellosis transmission in regions with slaughterhouses, likely attributable to increased animal movements within and across regions, interactions with vehicles and contact with slaughterhouse staff. These outcomes mark a pivotal advancement in the national agricultural development agenda. The research will be extended to encompass the entire country, compiling a comprehensive OTS database.



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Supporting Agencies

This study was conducted within the framework of the project: BR19678128 «Development of measures to reduce the epidemiological risks of the spread of zooanthroponoses in Kazakhstan».

How to Cite

Mukhanbetkaliyeva, A. A., Kadyrov, A. S., Mukhanbetkaliyev, Y. Y., Adilbekov, Z. S., Zhanabayev, A. A., Abenova, A. Z., … Abdrakhmanov, S. K. (2024). Identification and mapping of objects targeted for surveillance and their role as risk factors for brucellosis in livestock farms in Kazakhstan. Geospatial Health, 19(2).