Aspects of public health development in China’s western region

Submitted: 24 November 2023
Accepted: 5 March 2024
Published: 15 April 2024
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The public health level in a country is closely related to national development and quality of life. In order to appraise the level of health services in the western region of China, panel data of 124 prefecture-level units covering the period 2011 to 2021 was used together with a health evaluation index system based on four dimensions: quality of life, environmental situation, the level of health services and longevity. To assess this, we used entropy weights, standard deviation and coefficient of variation together with the geographical detector model that measures the stratified spatial heterogeneity. The results show that although public health services have improved overall, the various dimensions are still not balanced as longevity did not match up everywhere. While the developmental level of the various health dimensions presents a pattern of a relatively smooth increasing gradient in the west-central- east direction, the situation with respect to the north-centralsouth is more uneven with both ups and downs. However, a trend of continuous enhancement of all health dimensions was found with a significant positive correlation of spatial clustering, with hotspots and ‘sub-hotspots’ contracting from north to south, while coldspots and ‘sub-coldspots’ expanded from west to east. This can be seen as the result of multiple factors, with the level of urbanization and economic level as the dominant factors and government guidance, agglomeration capacity and industrial structure being auxiliary.



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How to Cite

Zhang, J., Luo, J., Chen, G., Zhang, C., Li, L., & Ma, T. (2024). Aspects of public health development in China’s western region. Geospatial Health, 19(1).