Suwannatrai, Apiporn, Kulwadee Suwannatrai, Surat Haruay, Supawadee Piratae, Chalida Thammasiri, Panita Khampoosa, Jutharat Kulsantiwong, Sattrachai Prasopdee, Pairat Tarbsripair, Rasamee Suwanwerakamtorn, Somsak Sukchan, Thidarut Boonmars, John B. Malone, Michael T. Kearney, and Smarn Tesana. “Effect of Soil Surface Salt on the Density and Distribution of the Snail Bithynia Siamensis Goniomphalos in Northeast Thailand”. Geospatial Health 5, no. 2 (May 1, 2011): 183–190. Accessed July 26, 2024.